Muu nimi/muut nimet: the WAR ANNALS 86 [alternative]
Vuosi: 1918
Kesto: 13 mins
Kuvaus: The map, in stop-frame action, shows the German invasion of France and Belgium in 1914, followed by a more detailed version of the Allied advance to victory between July and November 1918. The Allied attacks and German counter-attacks are identified by name and marker arrows. The Canadian and Australian Corps in the British sector are shown under their own national flags.First shown is Tournai, comparatively undamaged, through which British soldiers march to the cheers of the crowd. In Audenarde (or Oudenaarde), the village shows some shell damage and white flags are hung out. French soldiers with a machine gun keep a sentry post. Tourcoing some time after liberation. The church spire is intact but other buildings are extensively damaged. Australian soldiers and local people stand by the roadside as a civic procession in honour of the war dead passes through the streets. Maubeuge, showing the seventeenth century outer defences of the town itself. The town is barely damaged except for some broken glass and fallen bridges. Civilians and British soldiers scramble through the rubble of one area. President Poincaré visits the town and is met by a British parade and General Sir Henry Horne, commanding British First Army. The parade includes a contingent of the New Zealand Division.Prime Minister Clémenceau talking with General Pétain. A portrait shot of Marshal Foch. Finally a line of ordinary French soldiers, "the liberators" on the march led by their band.
I. French newsreel item of an animated map showing the Allied victories on the Western Front, July-November 1918.II. French newreel item on Zeebrugge after liberation, showing demolished coastal defence gun positions and HMS Thetis sunk in the harbour. Belgium, November 1918.III. French newsreel item on the liberation of towns and villages in Belgium and France by British and Imperial troops, November 1918.IV. French newsreel item of the "victors", who led France to victory on the Western Front, November 1918.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / Poincaré, Raymond N L / Horne, Henry Sinclair / Clemenceau, Georges E B / Petain, Philippe / Foch, Ferdinand J M / Royal Navy, Thetis / British Army / French Army / Australian Army, Australian Imperial Force / British Army, Australian Imperial Force / British Army, New Zealand Div / British Army, Army 1 / French Army / ships, British naval - cruiser: Thetis & [expended] / demolition, German - denial / celebrations, Belgian - liberation / celebrations, French - liberation / destruction, French military - area: artillery bombardment / destruction, Belgian military - area: artillery bombardment / weapons, French - smallarm: Mitrailleuse Saint Etienne machine gun / buildings, French - religious: church / ceremonies, French - display: memorial / buildings, French - historic: outer defences, Mauberge / delegations, French national - state / delegations, French international - state / propaganda, French - inspirational / 01/3(4-15).9 / 31/3(493) / 01/3(4-15).9 / First World War, Armistice & 11/1918 / Zeebrugge, West Flanders, Belgium / Tournai, Hainaut, Belgium / Audenarde, East Flanders, Belgium / Tourcoing, Nord, France / Maubeuge, Nord, France / France / World War, 1914-1918 -- France / Animation
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Tuotantoyhtiö: Section Cinématographique de l'Armée Française
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Language: fr